Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Slmt Myambut Puasa

AFC ingin ucapkan Slmt Menyambut Ramadhan al_Mubarak pd semua
yg berugama Islam. Semuga amalan kita di berkati Allah..... Amin

Monday, August 3, 2009

One Malaysian

Aweera speaks about 1 Malaysia and Merdeka Day

Q1. What makes 1 Malaysian?
Ans: One M'sian wil be created when our citizen lives in harmony and respect each other.

Q2. What make you proud to be Malaysian ?
Ans: Proud to Malaysian when achieved life sucessfully.

Q3. Share your most memorable Merdeka expereience.
Ans : It is when I see on "Merdeka Day" all races and ethnics joined and celebrated together.

Q4. What are your hope for Malaysia ?
Ans : I hope Malaysia will be one example of a good country where people live in harmony.

Q5. You are not Malaysian enough if.....
Ans : Refuse to believe that Malaysia is a safe and peaceful place.

Q6. As a Malaysian, what does independence mean to you?
Ans: It means we are free to develop our country and make decision on our own way.

Q7. What is the essence for being a Malaysian ?
Ans: Loyal to our country , honest and respect each other.

Q8. How do you want Malaysia to be remembered by the world ?
Ans: Keep our nation identity of good hospitality for foreigners.

Q9. What is your defination of one Malaysian ?
Ans: One Malaysian is where we stay in peace, create a good integrity with each other.

Q10. Your one Malaysia dedication,
Ans: Wishes to all Malaysian, keep our integrity and live together peacefully.

Q11. What is your favourite patriotic song ?
Ans : Tanggal 31, by Dato' sudirman Hj Arshad